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Animal Communication and Pet Healing
As our world shifts, let us not forget about our furry friends! Our pets are not only our friends and family, they are wonderful healers in our lives and sometimes they need a healing too. Just like people, they can hold onto energy that is no longer beneficial for them. What is your pet trying to tell you? Book a session with Tawnya! See what other Services we offer.
​How do pets assist in our spiritual evolution?​
Not only are our furry friends loyal companions, they are an ego-less mirror into the depths of ourselves.
How do I know my pet needs a healing?
Chances are, if you or your family are going through emotional or stressful
experiences, your pet is also. Use your intuition as a guide.
What does Animal Communication and Pet Healing involve?
During Animal Communication and Pet Healing, while connected to your pet and its higher awareness, we move and clear energetic blocks, and foreign or pervasive energy. Throughout the session, the healing process for any symptoms will be initiated with a finely tuned foundation for recovery and wellness. There are a number of modalities that may be applied (Reiki, Advanced Theta Healing®, Mystical Numerology)​
How do pets respond to energetic healing?
Not having the same defense mechanisms and blockages that many humans do, animals respond quite favorably to energy work. In many experiences, pets are excited to be acknowledged. Any messages or communication will be shared since this can be an organic aspect of the healing process - for pet and owner.​
Do I have to be local to book a Pet Healing session?​​
It is not necessary for a practitioner to be in the same room or even in the same location as your animal companion for a session to be effective. Pet Healing and Animal Communication can be done remotely or in person. Having a photograph of your pet available for the session is ideal.